Thursday, November 6, 2008

/so you're born

so youre born. you grow, you go to school.

get educated .get a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

go to college .get a degree .spend some money . buy some things . buy a nice house.

buy some jeans . get a mobile. make some calls. text a mate . get a bank account .get a credit card .

get a debit card .get a myspace. grow some sideburns. grow a moustache. have a chat with somebody youve never spoken to before. lose some weight. fall out with a mate. go for a stroll on the beach .watch telly. get engaged. get married. start a family. make a success of your life. get a midlife crisis .buy some new shoes. look like elvis with a weird hair cut .play some football. cheer on a football team. go to church .read your bible. give your life to jesus .be filled with the holy spirit .get an ipod .download some music .make a potentious movie of yourself where you sound like a cockney .have a cappucino .have a frappucino .have a cappucino double expresso with a bit of froth on the top .have a nice glass of wine. vote for the green party .get some chips from the trolley. get a shirt with a brand on it. make some graffiti get into art .drive a car .get a skateboard .do your hair all nice .take a year out . go through puberty. be an appropriate .try and be famous. get the number one single. and thats it.

what if this life wasn't just about me?

what does the Lord require of you?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


“If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”

mother teresa of calcutta

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


the loneliest cry in history came not from a widow , a parent or a patient it came from a hill ,from the messiah. He who was once alone understands.

/perfect love

The Love Of Jesus Wins Over All.
He Loves You No Matter How Screwed Up You Are.

/bye-bye autumn

let go of whatever it is you need to let go of , so when spring comes something new will flourish.

Monday, November 3, 2008

/the recklessly loving father

This is the story of the Prodigal Son. It should really be called the running father who waited everyday for his boy to come home - the son who had rejected him so badly. But when he saw him from afar, he ran to him, hugged him and kissed him.

The Prodigal Son is a joyous Biblical story, told in Luke 15 ,of homecoming but it is also a beautiful demonstration of the character of God as a father.

The prodigal asks for his inheritance, effectively implying that he wants his father dead, then heads off to a distant land and squanders all this money in wild living. The father meanwhile waits, longing for his son's return, and when he sees him, throws all caution to the wind and runs to greet him.

The social custom of the time was for important to walk slowly, so the father choosing to run demonstrated the extent of his love.

The son had done nothing to deserve a welcome home and yet the father in his great love, forgave his son's entire past, embraced him and threw a party. Likewise God does not wait until we , His other prodigals are loveable. Regardless of our past, if we just ask the loving Father will forgive us and welcome us home.

No Matter how good we are at screwing up our lives God is better at sorting them out!

The story of the recklessly loving father is a message of hope. It reminds us that God is the God not just of second chances but as many chances as we need. No matter how insignificant we feel or how much we've messed up this story reminds us that we are treasured.

There is a God who adores us and is longing for us to come back to Him. The same arms that flung starts into space are the arms welcoming us home.

Taken from emergingculture magazine- article by Ruth McGarahan